Whether you are just starting out in your career or are a few years from retirement, whether you can save a little or a lot, choices you make now can have a big impact on your financial future. Through our partnership with our retirement plan administrator, TIAA, the University makes it possible for you to invest in your financial future by providing the opportunity for you to contribute to the Voluntary Retirement Plan.
You may contribute to your own retirement and designate your contributions as either pre-tax Traditional 403(b) or after-tax Roth 403(b). The Roth 403(b) contributions and earnings are generally tax-free when withdrawn as a qualified distribution. You may begin or adjust your contributions at any time using the Voluntary Salary Reduction forms below or via MySlice.
One-on-One Assistance
TIAA offers personalized financial planning services to help you reach your retirement goals. These services are available to Syracuse University participants at no additional cost to you.
To schedule a one-on-one meeting with one of the University’s dedicated TIAA financial consultants [PDF], call 855.842.CUSE (2873) or go online to Syracuse University’s TIAA website. Once you’re registered on the website, you can also manage your TIAA account from there. On TIAA’s website you will find a wealth of online financial planning tools, including the Retirement Goal Evaluator, Asset Allocation Evaluator, and the Voluntary TDA Advantage Calculator, among others.
Should you have any questions, please reach out to our HR Shared Services team at 315.443.4042.
Helpful Links
Enrollment Forms
The web pages summarize your Syracuse University benefit options. Every effort has been made to ensure this information is accurate. However, the programs are governed by legal documents and insurance contracts. If there is any difference between the information on these web pages and the official documents and contracts, the official documents and contracts will rule. Our benefits are governed by current laws and operated according to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations. We will notify you if changes in plans are necessary to comply with the law or with IRS regulations. Employees electing to participate in the Syracuse University benefit plans are bound by the terms of the governing Plan documents. If you have any questions regarding the plans, you may request a copy of the Plan document from the Plan Administrator by contacting HR Shared Services at the number indicated at the end of this page. As is the case with all benefits offered by Syracuse University, (1) the Plan Administrator has the discretionary authority to interpret the terms of the Plan and such interpretation will be binding on all interested parties to the fullest extent permitted by law, and (2) the University reserves the right to modify or terminate the Plan at any time.