Learning and Development

Working at Syracuse University gives you the opportunity to contribute to our mission, but it also gives you the opportunity to grow personally, develop your professional skills and knowledge, and advance on a career path that you design.

Take advantage of the different resources available to you, both formal and informal: identify a more experienced person to be your mentor, attend a webinar, volunteer for a committee, or take a class. Engaging with others on campus can open doors to different types of opportunities you never imagined.

Professional and Personal Supervisor/Manager 
Compliance-Related | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility 
Additional Learning Resources

Professional and Personal

Join the SU Sustainability Management group to learn what happens to your recyclables on and off-campus. This session will reinforce SU’s goals for increasing recyclables on campus and reduce contamination before it is sent to the recycling center. These figures also determine the ranking of the University in The Campus Race to Zero Waste, the annual recycling and waste reduction competition where colleges and universities compete from across North America.

Led by the University’s Sustainability Coordinator, Melissa Cadwell.

Next session: TBD

Learn about what resilience means and how to build your resiliency within the workplace.  Learn strategies that will help you tap into your values and your support system, and identify ways that will help you move forward.

Led by Pam Gavenda, Associate Director, Organizational Development and Training, this program will be held online via a video teleconference.  A link will be sent to those who register a few days before the session.

Tuesday, Oct. 3

10:30 a.m.-noon

Register for Building Resilience

Learn about the updated Climate Action Plan. Find out why it was updated and why it was written as a five-year plan. In this session you’ll learn about what the University is doing to lower the campus’s carbon footprint and reduce emissions. And more importantly, learn how you can help!

Led by Melissa Cadwell and Lydia Knox, Sustainability Coordinators, Sustainability Management, this information session will be held via a video teleconference. A link will be sent to those who register a few days before the session.

Next session: TBD

Benefits-eligible employees with children approaching college age can learn more about Syracuse University’s Dependent Tuition Benefit through this information session that is designed to provide an overview of the University’s three Dependent Tuition Programs (SU Tuition Waiver, Cash Grant and Tuition Exchange).

This session will be held via an online video conference. A link will be sent to those who register a few days before the session.

Register for Thursday, Sept. 14 (noon-1:30 p.m.)

Register for Wednesday, Sept. 27 (10-11:30 a.m.)

Have you ever dreaded Monday morning? Do you feel a disconnect between your personal life and professional life? Are you seeking more energy and enthusiasm while at work?

Led by Rev. Brian Konkol, Dean of Hendricks Chapel at Syracuse University, this session will explore how to embrace strengths, focus on growth, develop emotional awareness, enrich relationships, and embrace the belief that professional joy is both possible and achievable.

A link will be sent to those who register a few days before the session.

Thursday, Oct. 5

Noon—1 p.m.

Register now!

What is emotional intelligence and are there ways to develop emotional intelligence? This session will introduce the components of emotional intelligence, including related competencies and strategies for developing emotional intelligence. Gain an understanding of self-management and self-awareness. Learn critical skills for your personal and professional goals.

Led by Pam Gavenda, this program will be held online via a video teleconference. Information and a link will be sent a few days prior to the session.

Register for Wednesday, July 12 (2:30—4:30 p.m.)

Register for Thursday, Sept. 14 (9—11 a.m.)

How can a positive environment be created by framing our own actions? Learn about how to utilize an understanding of positive Life Forces and negative Life Forces and 10 natural Universal Laws. Realize what you want and how to create it. This workshop will help you to reframe and refocus your environment into what you would like it to be.

Led by University Ombuds Neal Powless, this session will take place via an online video conference.

Register for Tuesday, Oct. 17 (9—10:30 a.m.)

Register for Monday, Dec. 11 (1—2:30 p.m.)

The Syracuse University campus is alive with historical treasures that are usually overlooked by staff members who have been here for many years. The main purpose of the tour is to make you more aware of some of these treasures and to encourage you to make greater use of SU resources that you may never have even heard about. Marvin Druger, professor emeritus of Biology and Science Education, spent 47 years experiencing the wonders of SU and now he wants to share his knowledge with SU staff and others.

Sign up for the one-and-one-half-hour outdoor walking/moving tour now, before all the spaces are taken. If you do sign up, please be sure to attend. The tour will take the full 1.5 hours, rain or shine. Space is limited to the first 25 individuals. A confirmation Outlook Meeting Invitation will be sent to those who register before the actual event.

The tour is open to all new and experienced faculty and staff. Please dress comfortably for the 1.5-hour outdoor tour. Participants will meet near the Pan Am Flight 103 wall in front of the Hall of Languages to start the tour.

Register for Thursday, Aug. 3 (noon-1:30 p.m.)

Wednesday, Aug. 9 (noon-1:30 p.m.)--FULL

Register for Wednesday, Sept. 13 (noon-1:30 p.m.)

For those new to the Syracuse University Performance Partnership process, this staff session is designed to ensure the process, including both form completion and the subsequent meeting between supervisor and staff member, is productive and effective. The workshop will provide an overview of the staff member’s role in the Performance Partnership process highlighting the tool and resources available, including creating SMART goals that will help advance the initiatives of the department and University.

Led by Pam Gavenda, Associate Director, Organizational Development and Training, sessions will be offered as follows:

Register for Thursday, Sept. 7 (12:30—2 p.m.)

Register for Monday, Oct. 23 (10—11:30 a.m.)

Register for Friday, Nov. 10 (9:30—11 a.m.)

Register for Wednesday, Dec. 13 (2:30—4 p.m.)

This workshop from the University’s experts on accommodations presents their equity-minded approach to accommodations for students and employees, the differences among them and individualized processes for determining reasonable accommodations. Participants will work through accommodation scenarios to acquire an insider view of how and why they work, and what their role or roles may be in the processes. Registration is required.

Thursday, Oct. 26
9-10:15 a.m.
In-person location TBD

Register for Reasonable Accommodations for Students and Employees

This information session is designed to provide an overview of the Remitted Tuition Benefit Program at Syracuse University. Please visit the Human Resources Remitted Tuition Benefit webpage and the Remitted Tuition Benefit Policy for details regarding eligibility.

Experts from Human Resources, University College, the Bursar’s office, Payroll, and Financial Aid will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. Whether you are new to the University or have been here for a while, it’s never too late to take advantage of this wonderful benefit. All benefit-eligible employees and retirees are encouraged to attend.

Register for Monday, Sept. 18 (Noon-1 p.m.)

In the StrengthsFinder Team Workshop, we use the Gallup StrengthsFinder 2.0 book and the results from each team member’s StrengthsFinder assessment to discuss how each person can use their top five strengths to enhance their individual and team effectiveness. This workshop will help you and your team identify your strengths and create a culture where strengths thrive.

word collage of 34 strengths

Decades of Gallup research uncovered 34 strengths that exist at some level within everyone. However, each person has "signature strengths," which dominate their actions and behaviors. People who focus on their strengths are more engaged, more productive, and happier. Gallup developed its online StrengthsFinder assessment to help millions of people discover their top five talents.

Below is a list of the steps that need to be taken prior to the delivery of the StrengthsFinder Team Workshop. We recommend at least a 1 to 2 month lead-time for scheduling the workshop date, due to the following steps that need to be completed prior to delivery of the workshop.

StrengthFinder Team Workshop Preparation Steps

If you would like to begin a discussion with us about the possibility of scheduling a StrengthsFinder Team Workshop, please contact Pam Gavenda, Associate Director, Organizational Development & Training, 315.443.7612 or by email pegavend@syr.edu.

We look forward to working with you and your team on discovering your individual and combined team strengths.

Do you use the Syracuse University “Block S” or seal within your communication and/or marketing materials? Are you familiar with the Syracuse University guidelines related to trademarks and licensing? Do you know what is included within Syracuse University trademarks?

Led by Rachel Duffy, Director of Trademark/Licensing at Syracuse University, you will learn:

-What is a Syracuse University trademark;

- How to order officially-licensed Syracuse-branded promotional products; and

-Why we use officially-licensed vendors while committing to the Building Local initiative

This session will be held online via a video teleconference. A link will be sent to those who register a few days before the session.

Register for Wednesday, Oct. 25 (10-11 a.m.)


Learn the importance of planting a native pollinator garden and how to start.  Native habitats are disappearing rapidly.  Are you missing Monarch butterflies and other native butterflies? Learn how to select and plant a native garden to help support pollinators to provide nectar and pollen, and support pollinator habitats all seasons.

Presented by Melissa Cadwell Sustainability Coordinator, Sustainability Management and (tentative) Gabe Smith Graduate Student, Food Studies Major, Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

Next session: TBD

A sigh and an eyeroll, talking over someone, talking to someone with a loud, curt, and directive tone, failing to acknowledge another person’s presence, gossiping, or whispering behind another’s back... in the workplace these may not seem like serious issues or independently rise to a level of harassment or discrimination; however these subtleties and the more noticeable behaviors and actions all contribute to the work environment and experience, not only of the faculty and staff, but also those we serve - our students, alumni, family, etc., and the organization as a whole.

During this in-person workshop, led by Pam Gavenda, participants will be introduced to what civility is within a work environment, why it is important, and what actions or next steps they may take to further promote civility within the workplace; including further developing their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Tuesday, Oct. 10

9-11 a.m.

331 Sims Hall

Register now!

Are you looking for ways to improve your written communication within the workplace? Led by Ben Erwin, director of the writing center, this workshop will offer information, insights and resources to further develop your skills. Topics include:

Effective written communication, revision and editing and document design

Tuesday, Oct. 25

10—11 a.m.

Register for Writing Skills


Crucial conversations take place in every organization every day. These are conversations where there are high stakes, differences of opinion, and strong emotions. These are conversations around work quality, time management, productivity, performance, customer satisfaction, sensitive issues, conflict, or a strained relationship, for example. Often, individuals avoid having these conversations or they do not handle them well. Either way, this leads to not getting the results you want.

Whenever you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, it’s likely a crucial conversation is keeping you stuck…

Crucial Conversations® is a course that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics – at all levels of an organization. By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you will begin to surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on the decisions with unity and commitment in a respectful way.

Participants will learn to:

-Spot when conversations become crucial

-Hold the right conversations

-Avoid repeatedly having the same conversation

-Understand their own style under stress

-Recognize and diffuse violence and silence

-Clearly identify and express what they really mean

-Separate facts from stories and emotions

-Make it safe for others to speak up

-Make clear decisions and commitments

Program Cost:  $350 per participant

This covers the cost of course materials including:

-Crucial Conversations Participant Toolkit

-Cue cards for each lesson in a desktop display case

-Crucial Conversations model card

-A copy of the New York Times bestselling book, Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High

-Crucial Conversations Audio Companion, MP3 download

-Post-training participant website: videos, exercises, assessments, additional reading, and more

Maximum number of participants:  24

Led by Crucial Conversations® Certified Trainer Pam Gavenda, this program is offered in two-hour segments over eight consecutive weeks.  Skills learned each week build upon skills from the previous week, so it is critical that you are able to attend all sessions.

Fall session: Sept. 8-Oct. 20 (for supervisors/managers/leaders)

Register for fall session

Sign up to be added to a Wait List and you will be notified when the next sessions are scheduled.

Leadership Skills for behavior change – learn how to lead behavior change in your team or organization with hands-on instruction, practice, and application.

In this course, supervisors, managers and leaders will learn how to:

-Influence other’s behavior to make big and small changes inevitable

-Identify the behaviors that will generate desired results

-Use the six sources of influence to diagnose problem behaviors and identify why people struggle to change

-Motivate by tapping into personal values

-Help others learn new skills

-Harness the power of social influence

-Correctly incentivize behaviors.

Dates:  Mid – Late Fall semester

Program Cost:  $350 per participant

This covers the cost of course materials including:

-Crucial Influence Participant Learner Guide

-A copy of the Crucial Influence book

-Post-training participant website: videos, exercises, additional reading, and more

Maximum number of participants:  24

Led by Crucial Conversations® and Crucial Influence Certified Trainer Pam Gavenda, this program is offered in over consecutive weeks.  Skills learned each week build upon skills from the previous week, so it is critical that participants are able to attend all sessions.

Sign up to be added to the waitlist and you will be notified when the session is scheduled.

This session will introduce the components of Emotional Intelligence, explore the personal and professional benefits of Emotional Intelligence, provide clarity for understanding the connection between Emotional Intelligence and effective supervision, identify the advantages that Emotional Intelligence can provide in the workplace, and provide strategies for supervisors to increase their own Emotional Intelligence.

Led by Pam Gavenda, Associate Director, Organizational Development and Training, this program will be held online via a video teleconference. A link will be sent to those who register a few days before the session.

Register for Thursday, Aug. 10 (1:30-3:30 p.m.)

Register for Monday, Oct. 9 (3-5 p.m.)

Maximum number of participants per session: 30

How do we best manage a remote and dispersed workforce?  With the current pandemic, many departments are continuing to support team members with flexible work arrangements, and more staff are working at home or in different locations.  While this may seem daunting for some, this is also an opportunity to further develop your leadership skills while affording your direct reports with an opportunity to balance real work-life challenges.  During this program, we will discuss considerations, reminders, and best practices for maintaining engagement, delivering results, and building relationships with your remote team.

Next date: TBD

Project Management skills are necessary for many different roles and career paths.  The College of Professional Studies offers five 8-week, fully online college-credit classes towards a Project Management Certificate that is interdisciplinary and designed to help you explore the foundations of organization, leadership, methodologies, and the communication techniques of project management.  The Remitted Tuition Benefit for benefits-eligible employees may be used.

Learning Outcomes

        • Define traditional and emerging project management trends and methods.
        • Apply project management concepts to successfully launch and complete a project.
        • Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts connected to globalization as it relates to the project management of large-scale team-based projects.

For more information and to register, visit the Project Management Certificate page.

Please note, a prior college education is required.

The Supervisor session is designed to ensure the Performance Partnership process, including both form completion and the subsequent meeting between supervisor and staff member is productive and effective. The workshop will review providing accurate and honest feedback, navigating difficult conversations with employees, communicating performance expectations and creating goals with staff that will help advance the initiatives of the University.

Led by Pam Gavenda, Associate Director, Organizational Development and Training, sessions will be offered as follows:

Register for Monday, Aug. 7 (1-3 p.m.)

Register for Tuesday, Sept. 12 (9-11 a.m.)

Register for Thursday, Oct. 12 (1-3 p.m.)

Register for Friday, Nov. 17 (9-11 a.m.)

Register for Wednesday, Dec. 6 (10 a.m.-noon)

Effective September 17, 2023, New York State requires employers with more than four employees to disclose the compensation rate or range of compensation and the job descriptions in any advertisements for hire, promotion, or transfer job opportunities.

The NYS Pay Transparency Law for Syracuse University Supervisors video provides an overview for supervisors of staff on the New York State Pay Transparency Law and Syracuse University’s compliance with it.

This workshop will provide an overview of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act, which requires colleges and universities to report crime and safety information for their campus communities. It is targeted to Campus Security Authorities, individuals or organizations on campus, or people working and living on campus who have significant responsibility for student and campus activities. Led by Nicole Cooter, Regulatory Compliance Manager, employees will learn what the law requires and how information should be reported.

Sessions will be via video conference. A link will be sent a few days before the session.

Register for Wednesday,  Aug. 9 (9 – 10 a.m.)

Register for Tuesday, Sept. 12 (1 – 2 p.m.)

Register for Thursday, Oct. 19 (9 – 10 a.m.) 

The federal law governing student privacy, dictates when and how we may (or must!) share student information. This session, brought to you by the Offices of Risk Management and University Counsel will explain the basic rights and restrictions of the law, and answer the following questions:

-When may you share records about a student, and with whom may you share them?

-What do you need to know for online classes?

-When and how may a student access their own records?

-What happens if you get it wrong, and how can you fix it if you do?

This program will be held online via teleconferencing. A link will be sent to those who register a few days before the session.

Register for Tuesday, Sept. 19 (1-2 p.m.)


This workshop is designed to strengthen the safety of minors invited to campus. During this 60 minute presentation, Sarah Ross Cappella, Youth Program Compliance Coordinator, Risk Management, will be covering the following points:

Registering Programs – who needs to and how is it done

Background Checks – who, what and how

Training – university policy, the law and how to report suspected incidents

Mandatory Reporting Guidelines

Register for Tuesday, May 23 (9:30-10:30 a.m.)

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility

This workshop will provide an overview and primer on the role of pronouns and preferred names as part of LGBTQ inclusion and cultural sensitivity.  Learn more about why they are important, in a safe workshop space with open dialogue.

Workshop topics include:

-The history of Preferred Names and Pronouns

-The function and role of gender in our lives including terminology and general concepts

-Practice using gender pronouns in common situations

-Pronouns and Preferred Names at Syracuse University

This program will be held online via teleconferencing. A link will be sent to those who register a few days before the session.

Register for Tuesday, Aug. 8 (9-11 a.m.)

Register for Thursday, Oct. 5 (9-11 a.m.)

This information session will provide an overview of the Syracuse University Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility Policy, which requires that our websites, applications, and content (documents, presentations, videos, etc.) meet specific criteria to make them usable by the widest possible variety of users, including those who might have certain physical, visual, auditory, or learning disabilities.

Led by IT Accessibility Analyst, Pam Thomas, this session will cover:

  • Background on the ICT Accessibility Policy
  • What does accessibility mean when it comes to IT? What standards are in place to ensure that our applications and content are accessible?
  • Types of disabilities
  • Types of assistive technology in use on campus
  • What training resources are available to the campus community?

Next offering: TBD

What do you need to know about disabled students and co-workers? This workshop will answer this question and many more that you didn’t know to ask! What does able-bodied privilege mean? How does it manifest in the workplace? Our socially mediated and culturally affirmed beliefs influence how we think and engage with each other.

These largely unconscious beliefs can lead to biases and micro-aggressions that impact others in ways that we may not be aware of or intend. We want you to gain an awareness of your own beliefs and how they influence your actions and the language you use. This is a collective responsibility we all share.

Led by campus partners within the Center for Disability Resources and the Office of Diversity & Inclusion. Registration is required.

Thursday,  Oct. 19
9-10:15 a.m.
In-person location TBD

Register for Rethinking the Disability Paradigm

This workshop and the presenters’ positionality invite participants to engage in brave reflective conversations about the ways we have come to understand disability historically and contemporarily, and how we can reframe these understandings in support of full inclusivity at Syracuse University for our students, staff, and faculty. Participants will be guided through group effort to illuminate and disrupt our common ableist beliefs and perceptions of disability toward a new and inclusive understanding of disability. Registration is required.

Thursday, Oct. 12
9-10:15 a.m.
In-person location TBD

Register for Unlearning and Relearning Disability

A critical component of creating an inclusive environment is awareness of the issues that enhance, or impede, inclusivity. Take a look at the educational training and programming offered by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (scroll down to faculty or staff workshop sections).